
The Window of Destiny


You were loved before you were you.

You are the reverberations fulfilling His dream from eternity past... the frequency of Heaven penetrating Earth, embodied in His likeness and image. You were fore-known and predestined to embrace the reality of your comme il faut - your becoming.

The landscape of your destiny and the incredible greatness of your horizon - all determined in His passionate embrace, are unlimited ~ sealed by the dictates of the Hope of Glory.

Click here for more information Jeremiah
and here Psalm 139


Fade to Black said...

Photo Attribution: LV Hanson (thank you, LV).

Anonymous said...

You haven't posted in a while. I've missed your wise and poignant writings. Much to ponder and embrace here.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your writing. UPlifting!

Unknown said...

It is good to see you are back at it

Fade to Black said...

Thanks Roger, Anon, & Richard. Your encouragement is appreciated. May your horizon ορίζοντα be Spirit affirmed. Great is the mystery of godliness (1 Tim 3). Part of you is a part of God's "personality." His "inner self" is fashioned, dreamed, and reflected in you. Paraphrasing Larry Randolph's teaching found here: http://www.ibethel.tv/watch/62:3:4

Unknown said...

I love the way you embrace your thoughts with words... gently but full of power. A have a friend who will love this blog. I am going to pass it on to her. :) Thanks.
Jen Hubbell

Fade to Black said...

Jen, what a gracious encouragement. Thank you!

Peter P said...

I love that.

Short, sweet and very deep!