

Whether we walk through a unclouded, sun-washed day, or one drenched by torrential storms... whether the day is filled with warm breezes or one that is freezing cold buffeted by fierce winds... whether our bellies are full or empty... whether we are sad or glad... whether the bank account is full or depleted - we can all respond to the call of God... draw into the unexpected places of His presence... allow His word to precede our thoughts, petitions, and longings. We must remember: it is He who seeks us. We must be attentive to His Spirit - stretched out in His grace... listening in the quiet repose of our soul. Breathing in - the Spirit of God - allowing space for His love to flow into our heart... and breathing out His goodness to those around us.


Fade to Black said...

Photo attribution:

Anonymous said...

i like your blog

Anonymous said...

whether or not i always agree with your thoughts, i find your posts to be thought-provoking.

Unknown said...

Keep writing, you are an inspiration. A breath of thought provoking thought in a world where true thinkers and educators are undervalued in comparision to the pop culture. I'm forwarding this post to many.

Anonymous said...

I stopped over at your blog and was simply captured by your words and photos. Such a gift....thank you for sharing. I can't tell where you live, exactly, but I grew up in the Pacific NW....Poulsbo, WA. LOVE LOVE LOVE the beauty of that area and I can't figure out why God would have my soul waste away in Texas all these years. Unfair, I tell you! :)

I look forward to visiting you again.


Rachel Anne

Anonymous said...

Some days it is hard to trust like this. Thank you for the reminder that He is before everything, not an afterthought, or one who only consoles us.

Anonymous said...

This is quite beautiful. I enjoy your photography.

Anonymous said...

Hi - What a beautiful, refreshing and encouraging post. I loved the picture too. Your message is filled with hope - something that we all need these days.

Thanks also for stopping by our blog at Seems like we have much in common.

Be blessed today -

Lisa Are Wulf